Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

Dried goods  >  Mushrooms

Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

3 oz  •  Woon

A pantry staple. Soak in hot water for 10-20 minutes, et voilá! There's nothing quite like a succulent shiitake. Cook 'em up or toss into a quick dashi!!

Shiitake mushrooms

We love it!

Tasty shrooms, wherever, whenever

These shelf-stable shiitake mushrooms from Woon are endlessly versatile. We like to save the soaking liquid to use as a quick and easy dashi broth!

About the Maker





A family run operation inspired by Mama Fong's OG Chinese recipes, Woon's slinging some delish comfort food. Born from a desire to emulate and pay homage to the Chinese comfort food cooked up by his mother, Keegan Fong first began Woon as a small, family-run pop-up. A delicious blend of Shanghainese and Cantonese flavors, Woon has since opened up its first brick-and-mortar, as well as offering a selection of tantalizing sauces, seasonings, teas, and other dry goods for sale.

They share spices and ingredients straight from their restaurant so we can get a taste all the way here on the other coast. 

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